A downloadable game for Windows

This is an extremely early prototype. Expect bugs and tons of missing features. This game is no longer in development


Movement - W/A/S/D

Jump - Space

Magic Missile - Left Mouse

Fireball - Right Mouse

E - Electric Blast

Q - Replica

Shift - Dash

~ - Debug Menu


  • Shoot moving platforms with the magic missile to disable them for a short time
  • Moving platforms that move vertically will push you through the ceiling (make shift elevator)
  • Pickup the gems enemies drop on death to restore mana
  • Hitting yourself with your fireball will boost you
  • Electric Blast will pause your gravity for a moment
  • Jump on enemy heads to get a boost
  • The Mage Boss has multiple attacks, indicated by the colored sphere above its head
  • Your replica interacts with your other abilities; Hit it with the Magic Missile to swap places, Fireball to cause a huge explosions, and Electric Blast to send it flying


Windows p_1.2.0 36 MB

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